Hello Everyone
I hope you are well and haven’t started panic buying mince pies? What with Strictly starting, Very showcasing their first Christmas advert and my kids circling toys in the Smyths catalogue I have to keep reminding myself that we are only in October. There are still a lot of great things to look forward to and get involved with before we start hanging up our baubles. Including Echo Eternal and CORE, US. Information has been sent out to CORE, US leads and we are delighted to be holding the first session on the 13th October at City Academy (Newhall). By the time you will receive this, 16 students from across the Trust would have taken part in the Queen’s Baton Relya in London (7th October), although it will be a long day we are thrilled to have been invited and we know our students will have an amazing and perhaps, once in a lifetime experience.
Visits and Trips
A meeting has been arranged with all EVCs for the 19th October at 15.35, if you would like to attend please contact Jemima. As part of this meeting, we will be discussion future plans for overseas visits, residentials and adventurous learning, to ensure an agreed and robust process is in place to enable as many students as possible from CORE to have these experiences. So, watch this space! In the spirit of “oneness” please find attached details for a Spanish trip that Rockwood are hoping to organise next year. If you would like more details, please contact Ms Rida n.rida@corerockwood.academy
EVOLVEVisits and EVOLVEClubs
Over the next month I will be having meetings with some of you to let you know more about our plans for a trust wide tracking and reporting systems for trips, visits, fixtures, clubs and enrichment activity. The process will be appropriately planned and communicated to ensure all parties are aware of the tool and how to use it.
Critical Mass – Dance Opportunity for Commonwealth games
Critical Mass is an exciting, ambitious dance and movement project for up to 300 young people aged 16-30 who will make up a collective that will perform at many exciting events in 2022 including the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games Opening and Closing Ceremonies. If students need extra support in signing up or attending the project then please speak directly to Alexandra Henwood Alexandra.Henwood@dx.dance Budget is available to support access needs for everyone. More details here
LVMH – Careers in Fashion
The French luxury conglomerate, which owns Christian Dior, Celine, Louis Vuitton and Fendi wants to give young people access to training and employment within a difficult economic climate. By the end of 2022, LVMH plans to recruit 25,000 young people under the age of 30 worldwide, including nearly 5,000 through internships or apprenticeships. The group is also opening up access to its educational platform, available at for all young people around the world, regardless of their background or training, to learn more about the various luxury trades and prepare for roles in the industry. More details here
FAIRE Legal careers online workshop
Invitation to FAIRE: Legal career insights for school and university students hosted by Browne Jacobson and Young Professionals UK
Wednesday 27 October 09:00 – 16:00
Lloyds Bank Skillsbuilder “Skill Summits”
Lloyds Bank is offering student skill summits; to help students with listening, speaking, problem solving, creativity, staying positive, aiming high, leadership and teamwork. Open to Y5, Y6, Y7, Y8. Scotland P6, P7, S1, S2. Northern Ireland Y6, Y7, Y8, Y9 the are running 50-60 minute interactive sessions, delivered virtually, exploring and bringing to life at least three of the essential skills. Students get the opportunity to work alongside three Lloyds volunteers, learning about their roles and how they use essential skills in their jobs. Through an interactive creative task – students get the opportunity to practice and learn speaking, listening and creativity essential skills. For secondary schools with less time-tabled flexibility the session can be split into two sessions to fit with period times. More details here
Lloyds Bank “World of Work, experience”
World of Work experience is a three hour live event taking place at multiple times of the year. The experience explores strengths, critical thinking, problem solving, personal brand, employability skills and mental strength and resilience. Each session explores career paths, areas of future skills demand predicted in the UK and includes an opportunity to network with colleagues from Lloyds Banking Group, apprentices and graduates in a diverse range of progressions including software engineering, cyber security and data analytics. From end of October it will also become available in an “on-demand” version allowing individual students or schools to be access and use individual modules or the experience as a whole. The experience is designed as suitable to students broadly aged 14-19. To sign up please visit here
LTA Youth Schools secondary programme The Lawn Tennis Association, with whom we have a long and fruitful partnership, have recently launched their free programme, it is designed by teachers for teachers and consists of:
- afPE approved PE resources (including detailed lesson plans and videos)
- Cardio Tennis
- Mental health & wellbeing
- Employability & lifeskills
- SLQ Tennis Leaders
- Intra & inter competition
- YST athlete mentor visits
- Opening facilities tech grant
- Sports hall red ball activities
- Plus a free online teacher training course. Following completion of the course schools receive a £250 voucher to redeem on 10 hours team teaching with an LTA Accredited coach or tennis equipment.
Speakers for Schools
Moving away from all opportunities beginning with L, speakers for schools have a number of offers, including work experience and careers support. Please visit and sign up to their fantastic events and also register your interest to be visited by inspirational speakers, for free. More details here
Careers Enterprise Company – Free Online Short Course
The Careers & Enterprise Company, designed with Teach First, have created a series of short course which cover essential knowledge and skills to improve careers provision in schools and colleges. The training is self-assessed and can be completed at a pace that suits you. This free online training offer aims to increase knowledge of Careers Leadership to identify actions to improve practice while also improving your effectiveness as a Careers Leader, Governor or Enterprise Adviser. More details here
More Career Resources – Gatsby Benchmark 1 from BEP
Birmingham Education Partnership have collated a few examples of resources and videos which could be included on the careers page of your school website to ensure that students, parents/carers, and teachers are aware of what is available – please see below.
British Science Week Community Grant Scheme Opens for Application (UK)
The British Science Week Community Grant Scheme 2022 has opened for applications. This scheme offers grants of £500 and £1000 for community groups working directly with audiences that are traditionally underrepresented and not engaged in science activity. The activity should be embedded in the local community, showcase science’s role in everyday life, challenge the idea that science is separate from culture, and/or break down stereotypes of what it means to be scientist or engage with science. The deadline for applications is 5pm on the 8th November 2021. More details here. If you have any questions, please contact the British Science Association: communities@britishscienceassociation.org.
The Hedley Foundation
The foundation awards grants to charities that are able to demonstrate quantifiable outcomes to beneficiaries. Typically, grants of up to £5,000 are regularly made and occasional larger sums are given to charities where high impact can be achieved. Similarly, smaller charities often benefit from smaller grants of £250 upwards. The Trustees meet four times per year to review grant applications. These should be received in good time before each meeting and at least 6 weeks before the meeting date. The forthcoming meetings are as follows:
- 27 October 2021
- 26 January 2022
- 27 April 2022
- 27 July 2022
- 2 November 2022
More details here
Music for All Community Projects
We have now opened a new round of funding for applications from community projects. The closing date for this round of award applications will be 29 October.
This round of applications allows for five different types of projects:
- Projects which are based on electric guitars and/or ukuleles. We are inviting groups in need of guitars (electric only, no amplifiers included) and/or ukuleles to apply for some very special instruments. (NB – no cash will be awarded in this category)
- Projects based on analogue synthesisers: we have up to 20 special Behringer MS-1 analogue synthesisers to award to deserving projects. (NB – no cash will be awarded in this category)
- Projects based on community choirs: Up to £2,000 per successful application to support one or multiple choir-based community projects.
- Projects making a contribution to local communities and diversity: Up to £2,000 per successful application to support one or multiple diverse community projects.
- Educational establishments nurturing talent in children aged between 11-16 in underprivileged communities: Up to £2,000 per successful application to support one or multiple educational establishments nurturing underprivileged young talent.
More detail here
Funding for outdoors spaces (still open)
Schools in England, Scotland and Wales are being invited to apply for up to £500 worth of free outdoor equipment and two hours of professional outdoor training to help children connect with nature, become more active, and learn outdoors. Schools can choose from hundreds of different products to deliver outdoor learning and play. The funding is being made available through phase five of the charity Learning through Landscapes’ Local School Nature Grant scheme, and is funded by the players of People’s Postcode Lottery. There will be four funding rounds throughout the year. The closing date for applications for round 4 of the scheme is the 12th November 2021. More details here
Funding for Maths Teachers CPD
The London Mathematical Society has announced that Mathematics Teachers in the UK can apply for grants of up to £400 to attend specific one or two-day conferences/events organised by professional mathematical organisations. The aim of the grant is to facilitate mathematical professional development to allow teachers in UK schools/educational institutions to develop their subject knowledge. There are also more grants available for larger scale CPD maths events. More details here