Arena Academy

Staff and students sent in their entries for Arena Academy’s Mental Health Competition, here are some of our favourites!

Arena Academy students & parents collected stationery to help with their home learning.


Arena has been delighted with the support from the local community and as a direct result of that support, they have been able to offer free meals to all Arena families. Last week, we saw some incredibly generous donations from Mr Singhs, Thomas Frank, Sewa Day and Villa Kitchen.

City Academy

As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, we had some amazing entries from City Academy Year 10s for the Titan Birmingham competition. This year, the competition topic was ‘express yourself’.

Creativity played a big part in Children’s Mental Health Week. Year 11 student Donatella produced these impressive drawings on her tablet and inspired by news headlines, Year 10 Art students produced outstanding pieces of digital art. Well done to all!

Last week,  F2D ITC delivered an entrepreneurship workshop to Year 7s.

Year 11 students engaged in their Maths lessons using

Jewellery Quarter Academy

In virtual tutor time, all students met with the West Midlands Police, Jewellery Quarter neighbourhood team. The aim of the session was to develop character and skills to help manage influences and guard against exploitation.

On Fridays, JQA’s ‘Rewards and Recognition’ assemblies centre on our CORE values. Students have been challenging each other to collect all 4 praise postcards to spell out the word CORE. One student showed off their achievement by sending in this photo.

JQA has received some lovely words of thanks from parents.

I would like to thank JQA for providing education during this difficult time and for delivering our food parcel. Many thanks and keep up the good work!

A big shout out to the school who has been doing very well during this challenging time. Thanks for the help and support given to parents and to the students.

Rockwood Academy

Last week UCL Holocaust Education published their report on Rockwood’s Quality Mark, Beacon School – its review was virtual, and included an observation of a ‘live’ online lesson: Rockwood’s ‘Being Human?’. Read the full report here.

Our brilliant new Music Tech Club had its first online meeting after school. In the video below, the teacher and students discuss what they hope to achieve.

In lunchtime art club, Mrs Barker explained Rockwood’s plans to brighten up the local community.
