Arena Academy

Arena Academy is committed to helping its community.  As part of a new initiative, Arena families can collect free food, drink and essential items, every Friday. We are thankful for the generous support we receive from our local communities, whether that be from businesses or individuals.

Last week, Arena Academy was proud and honoured to have been awarded the ‘Teach Well School Gold Award’ for taking care of the physical and mental wellbeing of staff during the Covid-19 outbreak.

On Wednesday, Science and PE teacher Mr Jones shared his diary of life in lockdown with Birmingham Live. See the online article here.

City Academy

Well done to City Academy’s Spanish department for supporting Year 7 and 8 students remotely and helping them to develop their communication skills.


Last week saw some excellent learning taking place in City’s Year 7 DT and L4L lessons. Keep up the amazing work!

Jewellery Quarter Academy

9ABO explored different themes during virtual tutor time last week. Together the class discussed “what does success/failure mean?” and looked at some inspiring success quotes.

“just because you’ve lost doesn’t mean you give up. You just have to realise where you went wrong” – Year 9 Student


Hannah and Mawa read aloud the conversation between Helena and Hermia, Act 1 Scene 1 of A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Rockwood Academy

Sometimes students themselves are the best teachers! Last week at Rockwood, a student took the rest of the class through some Mircosoft Teams tricks #COREexcellence #COREopportunity


As part of #childrensmentalhealthweek2021 teachers and students made Origami swans  – here are the science teachers with their swans! #COREcollaboration

