Where Science meets Art!
Arena Academy’s Year 10 photography students were taking images of coke bottle explosions for their portfolios.
This activity is a great example of where subjects merge across the curriculum to create a successful learning environment.
We love to see what happens on a day-to-day basis with @EchoEternal112 in our schools. Arena Academy are so proud of Yuvraj. He was awarded a Headteacher’s Award in recognition for writing an outstanding piece of creative poetry based on Holocaust Testimony.
“We pledge to be your courage,
We pledge to be your kindness,
We will offer hope where we can…”
Last week the team at City Academy came together to reinforce the anti-bullying ethos. In support of this, City Academy recently received wonderful feedback from a parent who praised the schools anti-bullying efforts.
Future Thinking
In their personal development class, Year 11 connected with Cadbury College. The college shared inspiring information about A Levels, further education and the opportunities available to students.
The Year 11 students also had their fourth Post-16 assembly of the week, which offered advice, support and guidance on some of the steps students can take after their GCSE examinations.
Jewellery Quarter Academy had 32 of their Year 11 students working hard with the Pet Xi training.
Pet-Xi help individuals break barriers and seize opportunities to change their lives.
Year 7 L4L enjoyed an Industrial Light and Magic Webinar where they had the opportunity to learn about what it’s like to have a career in VFX. Supervisor Chris Lentz ran through some of the behind the scenes work conducted in the making of @themandalorian
Rockwood’s Modern Foreign languages department deliver inspiring lessons to their keen linguists and last week’s ‘Bake off’ challenge was no exception. Here are the students who won 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the Great MFL Bake off! Well done!
See more inspiring lesson content here #RockwoodMFL
Rockwood’s Rights Respecting School Ambassadors got together to plan future activities, which help to continue the legacy that they have so proudly earned.
To see these young people actively involved in such important current issues, with such pride is the embodiment of Delivering a CORE Education.
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