Preserving and protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of our students and staff is the basic tenent of our CORE Cares strategy.
Everybody at CORE works hard on creating a culture where we can talk frankly about what is on our minds. Feedback is welcomed and we attend to making things better straight away.
As we explore the last week at CORE we can see how each of our schools support the physical and mental well being of our school communities.
Hard work, dedication and excellent manners are regularly recognized at Arena Academy. Congratulations on making school such a fabulous experience for all.
The newly-elected Year 7 representatives from Jewellery Quarter Academy took part in their first virtual parliament meeting. Having a voice allows CORE students to make impactful change to their school and prepare to take their place in our democratic society.
The leadership team at Jewellery Quarter Academy take time out to learn about their leadership styles to better serve their staff and students.
City Academy are committed to offering opportunities to all of their students, like coaching from Birmingham’s biggest basketball club – City of Birmingham Rockets. Our Year 7 students took part in a high energy session led by Ricardo.
Star Shout Outs are a way for everyone at City Academy to recognise the brilliant effort and dedication demonstrated by all on a daily basis.
Year 9 students are committed to improving their well being through fitness
Students at Rockwood Academy have found the key to boosting their mental wellbeing by combining their love of languages, their artistic flair and their baking prowess.
Year 7 scientists at Rockwood Academy practised their skills in drawing scientifically. The combination of conducting research outdoors and being able to develop their artistic talents brought joy to all.