Throughout the trust in these difficult and confusing times we have pushed through the challenges and shown resilience in all aspects of school life. You will see that last week at CORE students faced school life with the strength and pride instilled in them by their support network at school.
Our Trustees and Local Governors have demonstrated their continuing resilience and dedication to our schools despite the challenges of governing remotely.
We are delighted to announce…
the appointment of our new Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, who formally took on their roles on 11th September 2020. Andy Argyle is our Chair of Trustees, and Tom Gibbins is our Vice Chair.
“It’s a privilege to be appointed as Chair of the Board of Trustees of CORE Education Trust and continue the great work of my predecessor Ammo Talwar. As a Trustee since 2015, I have enjoyed working with the CORE team as the Trust has worked with its schools to establish a strong and distinct culture. I look forward to leading the work over the coming year to develop a strategy for the next phase of the Trust”
Andy Argyle, Chair of Trustees
“Having been involved with CORE for a number of years, I’m really excited to be taking on the Vice Chair role during 2020/21, which no doubt will be another challenging but rewarding year and look forward to meeting many of our young people and colleagues soon”
Tom Gibbins, Vice Chair of Trustees
Since lockdown began in March, Trustees and Local Governors at CORE have shown immense resilience and strategic leadership. Despite the challenges of having to govern remotely, they have continued to undertake their roles as the accountable bodies for the Trust and its schools with professionalism, dedication and enthusiasm, becoming something of experts at meeting via MS Teams and Zoom in the process.
The shift to remote governance across the country has prompted a huge increase in the provision of online training for all those involved in academy governance, and it has been wonderful to see how our Trustees and Local Governors have seized this opportunity to engage in a range of training to develop their skills.
“Make a commitment to continuously invest in your learning and growth, and with that, you’ll naturally have more to offer the world around you.”
Olivia Hinds, Chair of School Improvement Committee, City Academy
This week our local governing bodies (LGBs) have held their first round of meetings for this academic year. Whilst our LGBs continue to meet remotely, they have been keen to start the new academic year as close to ‘business as usual’, as possible, with clear purposeful questioning as well as support for their schools very much in evidence in the discussions at meetings. Even in challenging times our Local Governors continue to demonstrate their commitment to supporting our schools and ensuring the best possible outcomes for our pupils.
“The silver lining in the Covid 19 pandemic is the way in which it has brought the school community together with students, staff and governors rising to the collective challenge of providing a high quality education which also supports the wellbeing of pupils and staff. ”
Dr Steve Ball, Chair of Local Governing Body, Rockwood Academy
“Being a school governor is one of the most rewarding and positive things we can do as members of a community. The current COVID situation has, if anything, increased our focus on providing the best outcomes for our students in spite of these new challenges.”
Andy Collyer, Chair of Local Governing Body at Jewellery Quarter Academy
From September 2020, each of our Trustees is linked to an individual school in our Trust, and over the next few months, we look forward to seeing the relationships between the link Trustee for each school, the Local Governing Body and the schools flourish. Our Trustees and Local Governors are excited to be part of the wonderful work at each of our schools and we hope that, in due course, as and when restrictions permit, you will see them in person at a whole range of school events.
National Fitness Day
It’s National #FitnessDay and it’s important now more than ever that we keep our fitness and activity levels up. – Our schools enjoyed a whole day of activities to get motivated and moving.
Fitness, Basketball, Football and Skipping, Yoga, and Dance are just some of the activities our Year Group took park in during their school day.
CPD at Arena Academy
Arena had their first CPD session of the term last week. This development training saw Teachers seeking to improve their classroom routines, supporting students and staff alike and striving to improve progress for all.
This online carousel event saw each session tailored to what staff felt they needed to improve. This aspiration environment aids staff to build on their own skills and knowledge to then support and empower students and the wider school community.
“The feedback from staff has been overwhelmingly positive, the staff fully embraced the opportunity to be part of an event that allows them to strengthen and improve their classroom practise and respond effectively to the need of our students”
Mrs Noone Teaching and Learning Lead.
Rewarding Students at JQA
Empowering and rewarding the resilience of students continues. The newly appointed JQA prefects are proud to have the opportunity to lead as well as have their pride in their school, their dedication and hard work recognised.
“Jewellery Quarter Academy sits at the heart of Europe’s youngest city and is as diverse as any of them. We are focused on the personal development and educational outcomes of all of our students and governance supports and challenges the decisions that are made to achieve this”
Andy Collyer, Chair of Local Governing Body at Jewellery Quarter Academy